Department of Education and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to focus on, and support foundation skills

A quick message to make sure you were aware of the DEWR’s latest efforts to support foundation skills in Australia.

2 thoughts on “Department of Education and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to focus on, and support foundation skills

  1. Sandy Welton April 15, 2023 / 10:49 am

    Thanks Chemène

    I did see this. Trouble with all these initiatives is they take years!



    • Chemène Sinson April 15, 2023 / 12:11 pm

      You are right, Sandy, which is why I was so frustrated when the government decided that Australia would not fully participate in the most recent PIAAC survey – this would have given us current data sooner. But that said, I’m encouraged by DEWR’s focus on foundation skills and hope this will lead to some tangible support, not only to help foundation skills specialists do their important work, but also to help we vocational trainers and assessors learn how we can build foundation skill development into nationally recognised training.


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